GaFFACamp@GaAgEd.org   |  (770) 786-6926  |  720 FFA FHA Camp Rd. Covington, GA 30014
  Parents FAQ
Sample Parent Packet      
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Sample Parent Packet 1/24/2024 883 KB

Frequently Asked Questions      
How old does my child have to be to go to camp? Campers must reach minimum age by July 1 of the same year. For Wildlife Camp, campers must be 10 - 15. For Advanced Wildlife Camp, campers must be 11-16.

What is your counselor/camper ratio? 1 counselor to 10-15 campers

What does my child need to bring to camp?
What To Bring.pdf

Are background checks done on your counselors? Background checks are done on all volunteers and counselors

What age are your counselors and what qualifications/certifications must they have? Counselors must have completed at least one year of college. All counselors are CPR//First Aid certified, drug tested, and have completed onsite orientation and training. Junior Volunteers must be at least 15 years old and have attended Wildlife Camp for 2 years.

Where do the campers stay and do the counselors stay with them? Campers will stay in air conditioned bunk cabins. The cabins have twin bunk beds and a bathroom with multiple sinks, stall showers, and stall toilets. The counselors have their own room in the cabin with a separate bathroom.

How are campers grouped and can my child be put with his/her friend? Campers are grouped by age. There are two counselors for each group of about 15-20 campers. Requests for cabin assignments can be made prior to camp by requesting it on the registration form. Requests must be sent in before the deadline set by the program coordinator and no requests are guaranteed.

Who are the Wildlife Camp Instructors? Instructors are made up of trained Wildlife Camp supporters. All shooting sports instructors are trained and certified.

Can my child call home? We do not allow campers to have cell phones while at camp. Campers may call home only in the case of an emergency. Due to the packed schedule campers will not have access to a phone. Campers may only call home through the nurse or the educational program specialist. It is recommended that parents only call the center in the case of an emergency.

What all will my child be doing at camp? Campers will rotate through educational classes throughout the day. They will have 2 hours of free time, a night assembly, and a night activity. It will be a full day of hands on learning.

How do I register my child for camp? Complete the online registration form and pay the $100 deposit with Credit card or mail a Check. Your child is not registered until the deposit is received. We accept checks and money orders.

Can I volunteer to help at the Wildlife Camp? Parents/Guardians can serve as volunteers helping in various classes or with campers. Volunteers that stay the entire week will receive one scholarship for a child to attend camp. Volunteers must complete a volunteer application and be selected.

When is my balance due? The balance is due at check-in on the day camp starts. Express check-in will be available to those who send in the remaining balances and forms prior to camp.

Can I get my money back if my child decides not to come? The $100 deposit is always non-refundable. If the child is paid in full the balance may be refunded if the spot can be filled with plenty of notice.

Can I get my money back if my child does not complete the entire week? In emergency cases only partial refunds may be refunded at director's discretion.

What if my child has medications or medical concerns? Is there a nurse on site? A nurse will be at Wildlife Camp 24 hours a day. All medications will be administered through the nurse and must be turned in at registration. Parents/Guardians will have the opportunity to speak with the nurse at registration.

  Contact Us


Michael Herrin
Educational Program Specialist
Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center
720 FFA FHA Camp Road
Covington, GA 30014

Phone: (678) 941-7646

Email: FFAWildlifeCamp@gmail.com

You may also reach the receptionist at 



720 FFA FHA Camp Rd.
Covington, GA 30014
Office: 770-786-6926
Email: GaFFACamp@GaAgEd.org

© 2025 Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center All Rights Reserved.
Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics, Inc.

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